News | 2 min read
June 6, 2013
Alfa Laval has acquired Niagara Blower – expanding its heat transfer portfolio and building a leadership position with wet surface air cooled heat exchanger technology in North America.
Founded in 1904 and based in Buffalo, New York, Niagara Blower is known for providing innovative “engineered to order” heat transfer solutions. Niagara Blower is best known for their Wet Surface Air Cooler (WSAC) technology for cooling gases and liquids, and the technology is used as a condenser in the power, natural gas, refinery, petrochemical and other industries. The Niagara Blower portfolio includes “No-Frost” refrigeration and dehumidification systems – which provide energy-efficient refrigeration, dew point depression and air cleaning for meat, poultry, food, and beverage industries. And the Kathabar desiccant systems are used for dehumidification and energy recovery in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage industries, as well as in hospitals and “green” buildings.
The addition of Niagara Blower brings a complementary range to Alfa Laval’s heat transfer offer –establishing a leading market position with air cooled heat exchanger technology.
Niagara Blower will be integrated into Alfa Laval – where additional information can be found at www.alfalaval.com.
About Alfa Laval
Alfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized products and engineering solutions based on its key technologies of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling.
The company’s equipment, systems and services are dedicated to assisting customers in optimizing the performance of their processes. The solutions help them to heat, cool, separate and transport products in industries that produce food and beverages, chemicals and petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, starch, sugar and ethanol.
Alfa Laval’s products are also used in power plants, aboard ships, in the mechanical engineering industry, in the mining industry and for wastewater treatment, as well as for comfort climate and refrigeration applications.
Alfa Laval’s worldwide organization works closely with customers in nearly 100 countries to help them stay ahead in the global arena.
Alfa Laval is listed on the Nasdaq OMX, and, in 2012, posted annual sales of about SEK 29.8 billion (approx. $4.7 billion dollars). The company has today about 16,000 employees.
For more information, contact:
Eric Schuppert – Alfa Laval
Phone: +1 262 605 2619
E-mail: [email protected]
Peter Demakos – Niagara Blower
Phone: +1 716 875 2000
E-mail: [email protected]