News | 2 min read
July 31, 2019
Richmond International Airport, VA – At the Capital Region Airport Commission meeting, Richmond International Airport (RIC) reported FY19 passenger traffic of 4,267,825, a new fiscal year record and an increase of 11.5 percent over the previous year. Furthermore, with airlines reporting 383,535 passengers for June 2019, RIC established a new June passenger traffic record, surpassing the old mark set a year ago (at the time, an all-time record) by 2.7 percent.
“We have accomplished so much together,” said Jon E. Mathiasen, A.A.E., in his final meeting as president and CEO before retirement. “This commission is the best example of the four participating jurisdictions working together for the betterment of the Richmond region.”
June’s passenger traffic increase represents the 21st consecutive record passenger traffic month at RIC. During the month, five air carriers, Allegiant, Spirit, Delta, American, and United, reported year-over-year growth. Total cargo, measured as a sum of freight and mail, decreased 2.9 percent in June but increased 2.5 percent in FY19 to more than 140 million pounds.
Aircraft operations decreased by 0.6 percent in June versus last year, despite growth (+5.4%) in the air carrier category. However, aircraft operations climbed 4.8 percent for the FY19. The Commission’s FY19 operating revenues totaled $52.9 million, greater than budget by $5.7 million (+12%).
Read the full press release here.